Entanglements: a curated collection of contemporary culture 2023


Entanglements is a creative curatorial project by Nanette Wylde, 2023

Media: Digital perfect bound. Full color. Softcover.
Size: 7.75 x 10.75 inches. 136 pages
ISBN: 978-1-936083-21-3

In stock (can be backordered)


Curator/Author: Nanette Wylde

    • Featuring artwork and essays by: Arturo Araujo, Willa Briggs, Shari Bryant, Israel Campos, Binh Danh, Annette Goodfriend, Emily Gui, Yunan Ma, Kent Manske, Hector Dionicio Mendoza, Jiamao Yuan, and J. Adán Ruiz
    • Poems by: James Cagney, Aileen Cassinetto, Chloe Chou, Veronica Kornberg, and Eileen Tabios
    • Interviews with: Judith Selby Lang by Nanette Wylde, Zach Pine by Richard Whittaker, and Sharmon Hilfinger by Katherine Bazak

Media: Digital perfect bound. Full color. Softcover.
Size: 7.75 x 10.75 inches. 136 pages
ISBN: 978-1-936083-21-3

Available October 2023